How to Get Accommodations
How do I get accommodations?
In high school, you may have received accommodations through a Section 504 Plan, or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Most often, high schools are responsible for contacting students and parents, scheduling meetings, and making sure you get the accommodations you may need. In college, YOU are responsible for initiating the set up of your accommodations.
You do this by registering with Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC Accommodations). /phone: 919-966-3576
Tips for registering with EOC Accommodations:
- Don’t wait! The registration process with EOC Accommodations typically takes at least 10 business days, so you’ll want to begin with EOC Accommodations as soon as possible, and ideally before classes start. This will ensure that you may take full advantage of whatever accommodations you may receive.
- When registering, provide updated and current documentation of your disability, and previous accommodations that have been effective for you. This could include documentation from your doctor, or the most recent copy of your IEP or 504 plan.
- Individual documents (e.g. IEP, 504 Plan, diagnosis) may not be sufficient for eligibility for accommodations, so try and get as much information as possible to demonstrate the presence of your disability, and why you may need accommodations.
- When completing the Accommodation Request Form, be sure to include a clear description of how your disability impacts your academic functioning, what accommodations have helped in the past, and why (e.g., how have they helped you academically? What is your performance/school like without certain accommodations?)
- Consider keeping your parents in the loop. As a college student, it is your responsibility to register with EOC Accommodations. However, it can be helpful to talk with your parents about what you may say, and how you may explain the impact of your disability. Considering your parent may likely have been involved in your IEP or 504 Plan, they may also be able to help answer questions you have about available documentation.
- Ask for help! The EOC Accommodations staff will help guide you through the process, and are there to assist with any questions you may have about registering.
- You can also make an appointment with an academic coach or an LD/ADHD specialist at the Learning Center (LC) to help you work through the process (we’re located in the same building!)
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