Life at Carolina can be busy. Our academic coaches help you succeed by giving you the tools to properly balance academic demands and everything else. We work one-on-one to help you improve your academic strategies, develop effective study habits, and find school/life balance. Sign up to schedule an in-person or Zoom academic coaching session today. Want to follow up with your coach after a session? You can check in with your coach via our new asynchronous coaching service.

Set Goals
Identify exactly what you want to accomplish.

Take Action
Create a clear action plan to achieve your goals.

Stay Accountable
Stay committed to your action plan.

Balance Your Life
Design your week to include time for everything that’s important to you: academics, friendships, exercise, etc.
Academic coaches regularly help students with:
- Time Management: Stay on top of academics and other activities with tools that help you prioritize, plan and follow through.
- Active Studying: Master course content with active studying techniques, such as concept mapping and self-quizzing.
- Reading: Tackle and retain important concepts from any text, whether it’s chemistry, history or political science.
- Test Preparation: Learn techniques for handling multiple choice, essay and word-problem exams.
- Note Taking: Capture key elements from lectures and readings and organize your notes to better understand the material covered in class.
Succeed Together.
Collaborate with peers on time management, study tips, and strategies to make progress on your goals.
Take an inside look at the Learning Center: How Academic Coaching supports students
In the Learning Center, the door is always open. Tora Collins
Hear from our coaches
A Balanced Approach to Success.
Life at Carolina can be busy. Let’s us help you design a schedule that includes time for everything that’s important to you: academics, friendships, exercise, etc.
Schedule an Appointment