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Financial support from alumni and friends plays a critical role in our efforts to support Carolina students. Each and every gift makes a difference. Our top priorities include increasing one-on-one support and expanding our reach through technology and innovation.

Donate Now
The online donation page enables you to direct your contribution to one of the following funds:

Friends of the Writing and Learning Center Fund

Supports strategic advancements in the Writing and Learning Center

ADHD/LD Services Fund

Promotes innovation in the Learning Center, with a focus on helping students with ADHD or learning differences

Major Gift Opportunities

The UNC Writing and Learning Center’s priorities include:

Academic Coaching

Provide more opportunities for Carolina students to receive personal, one-on-one support to achieve their academic goals

ADHD & Learning Differences

Create resources for students to understand their unique learning style, draw on their strengths, and develop new tools and strategies to thrive academically

Peer Tutor Program

Establish a fund exclusively focused on growing our peer-to-peer tutoring program

STEM Support

Provide Carolina students with a dedicated support to help master science and mathematics courses

Technology, Digital Media, and Innovation

Promote technology and innovation in undergraduate education through the development of new academic tip sheets, videos, and online tools to assist students anytime, anywhere

Writing and Learning Center Excellence Fund

Support innovation in academic support through the development of new programs

The UNC Writing and Learning Center has ambitious goals. If you are interested in learning more about major giving opportunities, please contact André Williams, Director of Development, at (919) 962-6183 or