Chemistry Resources
Looking for general study tips to succeed in chemistry?
Take a look at this handout about studying smarter, not harder!
Looking for online chemistry resources?
Check out these awesome resources for tutorials and extra practice. Try not to peak at the answer key until you have finished!
On-Line and Free Chemistry Courses
On-Line and Free Chemistry Courses
- Most chemistry courses offered. Resources vary depending on the class but may include lecture notes, lecture videos, practice exams and solutions, and problem sets and solutions. These resources are best used after acquiring solid understanding of the concepts.
2. Carnegie Mellon University
- This resource is best used as supplemental information to your current class notes (having the concept explained in a different way). Included are annotated lecture notes, suggested readings, and problem sets with answers. As always, attempt the problems without looking at the answers.
- General Chemistry I
- Stoichiometry only
- General Chemistry II
- Biochemistry
3. UC Berkeley
- This resource is great for reviewing topics that you covered in class. What I like the most about this resource is that demonstration videos are given to show the concept in real life! Many of the video lessons follow this sequence: short lecture, quiz with answer explained, and a demo. Learning Outcomes are also given at the beginning of each module which are helpful to review before and after finishing the module.
- General Chemistry I and II topics
4. UC Irvine
- This resource offers a 24 lecture chemistry preparatory class which can be used to review concepts that feel a little rusty in your general chemistry class.
- Only lecture videos are provided here. However, there is a searchable Excel sheet so you can easily search the desired topic, find the lecture video and time where that topic is mentioned, and the ChemWiki link for additional reading.
- All classes for BS in chemistry offered
Chemistry Websites
- Covers all divisions of chemistry
- Textbook maps for popular chemistry books. These textbook maps are organized to parallel the book you use for your class. You can find your textbook and go to the section you are currently covering to receive more information.
- Plenty of practice problems!
- Blog about organic chemistry
- Tutorials on many facets of organic chemistry
- Practice examples
3. Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
- Offers a comprehensive view of Organic Chemistry I & II. Tutorials, practice problems, and some mechanistic videos. Easy to search and use! Lots of practice problems!
4. Chemistry Tutoring Center at Towson University
- General and organic chemistry organized by topic
- Thorough downloadable handouts. Not best for those who are more visual learners.
- Problem sets and answer keys with some explanation
5. Chemistry at Ohio State
- Online resources available for general and organic chemistry
- Many of the links have rotatable 3D structures
- Spectroscopy resources include animated spectra! Very useful when learning IR and NMR!
- Organic Chemistry Tool Kit
- Reaction finder which will be particularly helpful in tackling synthesis problems.
- Reaction quizzes. These are interactive so you can ask for help if you need it!
YouTube Channels
1. Kahn Academy
- Great resource for just about any chemistry topic
- Great to watch before tackling a new topic
- Broad background information
- Videos describing how to work organic chemistry problems.
- Compilation of videos about organic chemistry
- Organized by topic
- Tons of short videos on general, organic, and biochemistry
- Videos on organic chemistry for MCAT, PCAT, DAT, and GRE