Dr. Patricia Quinn 2016
Dr. Patricia Quinn, author of “ADHD and the College Student,” was the keynote speaker at the Learning Center’s 2016 Timothy B. and Jane A. Burnett Seminar for Academic Achievement. She presented a talk on “Transition to College for Students with ADHD/LD: Passport for Success.”
Watch Dr. Patricia Quinn’s 2016 Burnett Seminar talk here.
Dr. Patricia Quinn, a developmental pediatrician, is a well-known international expert and speaker on the topic of ADHD. For over three decades, she has devoted her attention professionally to the issues confronting high school and college students with ADHD and LD. She has conducted numerous workshops on the topic of making a successful transition to college and produced and appeared in an educational video — ADHD: Transition to College – Passport to Success.
Articles by Dr. Quinn
Using a Body Double by Patricia Quinn and Kathleen Nadeau
The Top Ten Things I Wish College Students with ADHD Knew About Their Medication When They Arrive On Campus by Patricia Quinn
When Youre Heading Back to School by Patricia Quinn
Books by Dr. Quinn
Quinn, P. (2012). AD/HD and the College Student: The everything guide to your most urgent questions. Washington, DC: Magination Press.
Quinn, P. & Maitland, T. (2011). On Your Own: A college readiness guide for teens with ADHD or LD. Washington, DC: Magination Press.
Quinn, P., Ratey, N., & Maitland, T. (2000). Coaching College Students with AD/HD: Issues and Answers. Silver Spring, MD: Advantage Books.
Maitland, T. & Quinn, P. (2011). Ready for Take-Off: Preparing your teen with ADHD or LD for College. Washington, DC: Magination Press.
Nadeau, K., Littman, E. & Quinn, P. (2015). Understanding Girls with ADHD, Updated and Revised: How they feel & why they do what they do. Chevy Chase, MD: Advantage Books.
View past seminars here.